Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

B.A.P [Best.Absolute.Perfect] Profile

Diposting oleh Ratu Aulia's Blog di 00.01 0 komentar

Annyeong Kpopers [especially BABY]
Now, it's time for B.A.P!!! korean boyband who success make me feel crazy [after Super Junior ofcourse ^^]. In this posting, i'll give you're all B.A.P member profiles,

So, check this out ^o^

#Member Profile#

Name : Bang Yong Guk
Stage Name : Yongguk
Nickname : Inversion Rapper
Bunny : Red [Shishimato]
Position : Leader, Main Rapper
DOB : March 31, 1990
Blood Type : O
Height : 182 cm
Weight : 60 kg
Education : KyungHee Cyber University
Hobbies : Baseball, Basketball, Playing by himself
Special Talents : Writing songs and lyrics, Composing
Personality : Tough, and Brusque

- Fun Facts-

  •  His respected musician is 1TYM’s Teddy.
  • His ideal type of woman is a virtuous woman.
  •  Yongguk is apparently awkward when he’s alone together with Daehyun.
  • He shares the same top bunk beds with Jongup and Himchan.
  • His favorite movie is Constantine.
  • Each of them has their respective chores, and Yongguk manages what goes on in the dorm.
  • He is the closest to Himchan.
  • Although he is brusque, but he is very softhearted and cries often.
  • If B.A.P were a family, he’d be the dad.
  • He didn’t know how to talk until he was 5 years old.
  • He is a member of the underground hip hop crew, “Soul Connection” with stage name “Jepp Blackman”.
  • He was featured in Secret’s MV: “Shy Boy” & “Starlight Moonlight”.
  • He was released his solo single titled “I Remember” with B2ST’s Yoseob & “Going Crazy” with Secret’s Song Ji Eun.

Name : Kim Him Chan
Stage Name : Himchan
Nickname : Instrument Ulzzang
Bunny : Pink [Tatsmato]
Position : Sub-Vocalist, Rapper, Face of The Group
DOB : April 19, 1990
Blood Type : O
Height : 180 cm
Weight : 69 kg
Education : National School for Traditional Music
Personality : Gentle, Against war, Peacemaker, Cheerful, and a bit Hyperactive.

-Fun Facts-

  • His ideal type of woman is a kind woman.
  • He shares the same top bunk beds with Jongup and Yongguk.
  • He is the closest to Yongguk.
  • Each of them has their respective chores, and Himchan throws out the garbage
  • Himchan’s sister is very interested in B.A.P and she even designed the members signatures.
  • He is an MC for MTV‘s “The Show”.
  • He was featured in Jung Seulki’s MV: “Back in Plack Again”, Secret’s MV: “Shy Boy” & “Starlight Moonlight”, Song Ji Eun‘s MV: “Going Crazy” and Bang & Zelo‘s MV: “Never Give Up”.
  • If B.A.P were a family, he’d be the mom.

Name : Jung Dae Hyun
Stage Name : Daehyun
Nickname : Busan's Won Bin
Bunny : White
Position : Main Vocalist
DOB : June 28, 1993
Blood Type : A
Height : 177 cm
Weight : 63 kg
Hometown : Busan
Education : Nataraja Academy, Busan
Personality : Shy, and Tough

-Fun Facts-
  • His respected singer is 4MEN's Shin Yongjae
  • His ideal type of woman is someone like Shin Saimdang
  • He is the closest to Youngjae
  • He shares the same bottom bunk beds with Zelo and Youngjae
  • Daehyun apparently awkward when he's alone together with Yongguk
  • He's also known as B.A.P's Hidden Card
  • Each of them has their respective chores, and Daehyun cleans the restroom
  • He speaks with a heavy Busan dialect
  • If B.A.P were a family, he'd be the oldest son

Name : Yoo Young Jae
Stage Name : Youngjae
Nickname : Brain
Bunny : Yellow [Jokomato]

Position : Lead Vocalist
DOB : January 24, 1994
Blood Type : AB
Height : 178 cm
Weight : 65 kg
Education : Politic Industry High School
Personality : Calm but a person who has lots of ups and downs

-Fun Facts-

  • His respected musician is Musiq Soulchild
  • His ideal type of woman is someone who likes him a lot
  • He shares the same bottom bunk beds with Daehyun and Zelo
  • He is the closest to Daehyun
  • Each of them has their respective chores, and Youngjae keeps everything organized
  • He loves electronic gadgets a lot
  • He also like finding things and explaining them to the members
  • He doesn’t want his future girlfriend to wear revealing clothing
  • If B.A.P were a family, he’d be the mom (he says that Himchan may say he is, but in reality Youngjae is)

Name : Moon Jong Up
Stage Name : Jongup
Nickname : Dance Shindong
Bunny : Green [Dadamato]

Position : Sub-Vocalist & Main Dancer
DOB : February 6, 1995
Blood Type : B
Height : 176 cm
Weight : 66 kg
Education : Hanlim Arts High School
Personality : Shy

-Fun Facts-

  • He has no specific type for his ideal woman, but would like her to be older than him
  • His respected musician is Chris Brown
  • He shares the same bottom bunk beds with Yongguk and Himchan
  • He is the closest to Zelo
  • Each of them has their respective chores, and Jongup does the dishes
  • Also known as the awkward in the group
  • If B.A.P were a family, he’d be the second oldest son
  • He was featured in Secret’s MV: “Shy Boy” & “Starlight Moonlight”, and Bang & Zelo’s MV: “Never Give Up”

Name : Choi Jun Hong
Stage Name : Zelo
Nickname : 15-Year Old Genius
Bunny : Blue
Position : Maknae, Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer
DOB : October 15, 1996
Blood Type : A
Height : 182 cm
Weight : 63 kg
Education : Sungdae Middle School
Special Talents : Rap, dance, beatboxPersonality : Introspective

-Fun Facts-

  • His ideal type of woman is a person who’s good at English & have pretty smile
  • His respected musicians are Kanye West and Will.i.am
  • His favorite movie is 2012
  • He shares the same bottom bunk beds with Daehyun and Youngjae
  • He is the closest to Jongup
  • Each of them has their respective chores, and Zelo does the laundry
  • Since Zelo is the maknae, he has to wash last and as a result he gets tired of waiting and falls asleep again
  • He is fond in hip hop, and practice 20 hours a day and he still feel like it was’nt enough
  • Also known as the “Fighter Robot” of B.A.P
  • His stage name comes from the Greek god “Zelos”, which is the god of rivalry.  He was named that because of how hard he worked amongst all his hyungs
  • If B.A.P were a family, he’d be the cute and pure maknae who gets the most love from his hyungs

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

OMG my Dream!!

Diposting oleh Ratu Aulia's Blog di 00.36 0 komentar

Mimpi. Setiap orang pasti pernah mengalami yang namanya mimpi bukan?
Mimpi adalah kejadian dibawah alam sadar kita saat kita sedang tidur, biasanya isi dari mimpi adalah potongan-potongan diskon ingatan kita atau kegiatan yang pernah kita lakukan, baik itu beraktivitas setiap hari, pengaruh nonton film, dll.
Dalam postingan ini saya hanya mau share mimpi saya, yang bener-bener ngebingungin~ Memang sih sebelumnya Super Junior sering muncul dalam mimpi saya, tapi biasanya hanya sekilas-sekilas aja, sedangkan mimpi yang ini dari awal sampai akhir diisi sama Super Junior -___-v

Mungkin mimpi kali ini pengaruh saya yang seharian ngebenerin poster SUJU [maklum masih pengangguran belum dapet sekolah] dan mandangin album 5JIB dengan cover donghae~
Dimimpi itu awalnya saya lagi ada di sekolah [gatau sekolah SMP atau SMA, tapi perasaan sih di SMP] lebih tepatnya lagi di depan kelas, nungguin temen saya Rara yang lagi tes di kelas itu [ga tau deh dia lagi tes apaan]. Terus pas lagi asik nunggu sama temen-temen, tiba-tiba temen saya si arab [baca: okta] dateng sambil ngomong sesuatu yang kayanya sih ngomongin ruangan tes, soalnya habis arab selesai ngomong, saya sama yang lain langsung berbondong-bondong menyerbu lantai 2 untuk ngeliat tulisan yang ada di pintu setiap kelas [kaya nomor ruangan sama daftar peserta di ruangan tersebut]. Setelah ngeliat dan mastiin ruang tes, saya dan yang lain balik lagi ke kelas tempat Rara tes itu, dan ternyata mereka semua yang ada di dalam kelas tadi udah selesai tes, tapi belum pada keluar, jadi saya dan teman-teman lainnya masuk deh ke dalam kelas buat ngobrol-ngobrol. Sampai akhirnya saya sama Rara disuruh keluar kelas sama anak-anak gara-gara HP kita berisik.  Tepat pas saya keluar dari kelas, saya ngeliat ada DONGHAE lagi jalan dari ujung koridor [ga ujung banget sih, lebih tepatnya dia keluar dari lab biologi kayanya] menuju saya [hwehehe], keren deh dia! Pakai celana panjang warna putih [sepertinya celana jeans .__.v], kemeja putih, jaket warna hitam [gatau jaket apa], kacamata hitam, sama sepatu warna putih.
Terus habis ngeliat donghae saya nerusin ngobrol sama temen-temen, tiba-tiba saya ngerasa ada 'sesuatu' yang nempel(?) di punggung saya, dan pas saya noleh ternyata 'sesuatu' nya itu DONGHAE!!! badan donghaenya nempel dipunggung saya(?) [seriusan deh, ini rasanya nyata banget!] entah karena suasana di depan kelas itu yang emang rame banget atau gimana sampe-sampe donghae nempel-nempel gitu -,- walaupun sebenernya disitu dia ngobrol sama temennya yang emang posisi temen donghae itu persis ada di depan saya. Terus karena heartbeat banget, saya ga kepikiran deh itu buat ambil hp minta foto bareng. Pas saya mau ambil HP di dalem tas, saya ngeliat donghae udah jalan ke pintu gerbang sekolah, disini nih saya teriak-teriak [kata bunda sih emang bener teriaknya gitu, kenceng lagi! untung bunda ga ngebanunin :p] manggil donghae, "DONGHAE OPPA!!!" "OPPAAAA....." "DONGHAE OPPPAAAAA!!!!". Parahnya donghae itu sama sekali engga denger, padahal perasaan saya udah teriak kenceeeeennngggg banget sampe semua orang yang ada di depan pintu gerbang sama pos satpam ngeliat ke arah saya, sedangkan saya fokus banget ngeliat donghae sampai pas donghae keluar dari gerbang ada mobil yang dateng dan langsung dinaikin donghae, secara otomatis saya lari ke parkiran untuk ambil motor terus ngikutin mobil yang dinaikin donghae. [disini saya ngerasa aneh banget, soalnya pas mau kejalan raya itu tepat diseberang jalan ada hotel, sedangkan yang diseberang jalan ada hotel itu jalan mau ke SD saya, kalau SMP sih keluar gerbang langsung jalan raya]. Karena pas memasuki jalan raya keluar dari SMP saya kehilangan jejak mobilnya, jadi saya memutuskan untuk pulang ke rumah. Dibelokan mau masuk ke komplek rumah, saya lihat ada mobil berhenti dan donghae ada di samping mobil itu, pas saya lewat donghaenya merhatiin saya aja, sampe tiba-tiba motor saya mati dan ga bisa di stater -___-" terpaksa deh saya turun dari motor dengan maksud mau ngedorong motor, tapi baru aja mau dorong saya ngerasa kurang seimbang sampai mau jatuh, untungnya ada donghae yang tiba-tiba udah ada di belakang saya megangin motor [ini sinetron bangetlah -__-] disusul oleh member SuJu lainnya yang satu per satu keluar dari mobil. Karena bingung mau ngapain, saya mutusin untuk nelepon papah. Disitu siwon sama kyuhyun merhatiin saya terus, sedangkan donghae tiba-tiba hilang, pas aku selesai nelepon papah, Siwon langsung jalan dari depan mobil ke arah saya sambil senyum penuh arti. 

Dan........ Walaa, saya gatau lagi deh ceritanya gimana~ Soalnya saya kebangun gara-gara kucing saya yang manja dan kedinginan mulai berubah peran menjadi syal bulu -___-

Kira-kira ginilah penampilan donghae~

bayangin aja jasnya jadi jaket kulit warna hitam, hilangkan dasinya,
sama pakai kacamata warna hitam ^^

Note : Jangan hitung berapa banyak kata yang saya ulang-ulang, seperti 'Terus' 'Pas' 'Udah gitu' dll. Jangan bingung dengan mimpi saya, karena saya sendiri juga bingung =.="


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